Protecting Our Communities: The True Cost of Local Government Cybersecurity

Protecting Our Communities: The True Cost of Local Government Cybersecurity

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When it comes to cybersecurity, local governments face an unprecedented challenge. Governmental entities of all sizes have become prime targets for cybercriminals, with recent attacks throughout Ohio highlighting how vulnerable our local governments can be. Beyond the immediate financial impact lies a deeper truth: every successful attack can impact critical services and erode the foundation of trust with the communities they serve. 

Why Local Governments Are Prime Targets

Cybercriminals increasingly view local governments as ideal targets, particularly where many manage sensitive data or critical services with limited security resources. This combination creates a perfect storm of vulnerability that attackers are eager to exploit. Recent incidents in Ohio demonstrate that smaller communities often face the same sophisticated threats as larger cities, but with fewer resources to defend themselves. 

The Hidden Costs of a Cyber Attack

Let’s use ransomware as an example. When this type of attack strikes a local government, the impact extends far beyond the initial ransom demand and having to restore from system and data backups. For local governmental entities, the long-term recovery efforts can strain budgets for years to come. This includes not just immediate system restoration and data recovery, but also the cost of lost productivity, downtime in services, emergency IT support, and necessary technology upgrades. Even with solid backups to restore data, an unexpected attack is only the beginning of the recovery time and cost. More concerning still, local governments often face weeks of disrupted operations, affecting everything from emergency services to utility payments.     

Critical Services at Risk

The ripple effects of a cyber attack touch every aspect of operations. Emergency response systems, utility management, tax collection, real estate transfers, landfills, job and family services, and many other services that our local communities rely on daily, can be completely paralyzed. For smaller local governments, where resources are already stretched thin, the impact on essential services can be particularly severe.  

Building a Strong Defense

Prevention isn’t just more effective than recovery – it’s almost always more affordable. For the cost of a single major recovery effort, local governments can fund years of comprehensive protection. This investment could include regular security assessments, technology upgrades, incident response planning, and employee training programs that create a culture of cybersecurity awareness. Having system and data backups in place is critical. It is imperative for any organization to ensure its backups are routinely taken, appropriately secured, and frequently tested as part of a disaster recovery plan. 

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Leadership’s Role in Creating Cyber Resilience

As local government leaders, your role in cybersecurity extends beyond budget approval. Modern cybersecurity requires a partnership between leadership, IT teams, and security experts. When government leadership actively engages in cybersecurity planning, governmental entities are better positioned to prevent attacks and respond quickly when incidents occur. This collaborative approach ensures that security measures align with both technical and community needs. 

Taking Action: Your Next Steps

The path to cyber resilience begins with understanding your current security posture and where you have gaps. The Rea Information Services team can help assess security programs and IT environments to identify gaps and improvement opportunities, and we’re ready to partner with you to protect your local government’s digital assets. 

Investing in Your Community’s Future

Think of cybersecurity as an investment in your community’s future rather than an IT expense. When we build strong security foundations together, we’re not just protecting local government systems – we’re protecting people. Governmental entities with comprehensive security programs are better equipped to maintain critical services and recover quickly from incidents when they occur.  

Every day without proper protection is an invitation to cybercriminals. Let’s build your cyber defenses together, ensuring that your critical services remain secure and reliable for years to come. 

Learn More: Cybersecurity Resources

For more information about protecting your local government: 

Ready to take the first step in protecting your community? Contact Rea Information Services today for a consultation. 

By Anita Martin (Medina Office) & Travis Strong (Wooster Office)